Contemplation has been the state of my heart and mind lately as I have been processing much of what the Lord is teaching me…about myself and others. I wanted to share some tidbits with you all.
I want to share one story and tell you a couple of the things that I have been learning.
You will find that the story explains the title of this entry. It was a Wednesday. On Wednesdays we have what is called School Evangelism. This is when we go to different schools (secondary schools) and have a chapel-like meeting. We sing worship songs, the youth do some presentations/testimonies (I am finding this to be a regular occurance in any church-based youth gathering), and then someone from our program shares from the Word. We arrived around 4pm and not too long after that it started to rain. Rain in Nairobi is on a whole other level than anything I have ever experienced. You do not even see it coming and then, out of nowhere, it absolutely pours! More often than not, the rain leaves just as abruptly as it came. So, for it to begin raining out of nowhere was nothing we are surprised of.
However, this Wednesday was a completely different story and we honestly had no idea what was in store! We made it through the songs and presentations without having to talk too loudly in order to be heard over the rain on the tin roof. It came time for the Word to be shared…it began to rain harder…and harder…and harder! Melissa, the girl who was sharing was literally screaming the message! It was a bit ironically funny because she was teaching on the passage where Jesus and the disciples where on the boat in the raging storm and Jesus was sleeping in the stern of the boat. The disciples were absolutely terrified but Jesus had to only raise His hand and the waves and winds ceased. I thought it was quite the realistic effect as she taught us about trusting Jesus…even in the storms…
Even after concluding the message, it was still raining like crazy! At one point, the wind was becoming so increasingly strong that the roof about blew off! The kids ran into the room next door, so fearful, hoping to find some better shelter. Admittedly, there was a point where I was really scared as well but I knew I had to stay calm. The storm became increasingly worse when we looked outside and saw HAIL!! I honestly could not believe it! I was dumb-founded as the water on the dirt-based streets came rushing down the hills like Niagra Falls!
After about 15 minutes of “waiting it out,” I began to see something in me that I was not particularly impressed with! As the Lord revealed it to me I became quickly convicted and to be quite frank, disgusted with myself! When it didn’t look like the storm was going to let up anytime soon, there started to be talk about us having to stay in Kibera for the night. Granted, it could have been in a joking way…or not…whether it was or not I’ll never know…but what I do know is what my initial reaction was to this statement. My mouth testified to my heart as I found myself blurting out, “No!” All I could think about was how badly I wanted to go home. Thoughts like, “I am hungry…I am wet…I am cold…I am tired…I just want to go home, I do not care how I get there…” began running through my heart and mind.
I could sense the Holy Spirit speak very clearly to me as these thoughts began to take over…”What if you did have to spend the night in Kibera?...What is wrong with that? Almost every person in this room lives here every day…They will leave this cold, wet, room and go to another one…Maybe they will eat tonight and maybe they won’t and all you can do is think about showering, getting dry, and eating chapatti (my all time favorite Kenyan dish!)…
I wanted to break down then and there!! How selfish could I be?!? I was broken! As God was internally rocking me, I could not help but look around and see the faces surrounding me…at this point, not worried about what would happen but instead enjoying one another’s company…laughing, chatting, and just being…
Eventually we decided to make the crazy trek back home. Our Kenyan friend, Dennis selflessly gave me his hooded sweatshirt to wear because I came completely unprepared. I had no idea of what the seemingly beautiful day would bring…a true gentlemen he was! You would not believe it if I told you what the walk back was like! I have never seen so much water…well, mud at this point…Elf and I were following Dennis’ footsteps, trying to stay as dry as possible but to no avail! As I focused on the ground, I could not help but notice other people’s feet. It was amazing that there were women in nice sandals and their feet were looking absolutely immaculate! I promise you, the Kibera residents must have feathers for feet because no matter what the weather is like, their shoes and feet always look like they have definitely NOT just walked through the mud! By this time, my heart was becoming lighter, especially as I managed to look up from my ever-so-focused walking to see smiles on everyone’s faces! It was if to say, “hey, we are all in this together, and it is not that serious!” I tell you, there is nothing like a storm (whether a physical one or a figurative one) to bring a community together! It was really beautiful! Unity and camaraderie at its prime! I would have to say that the highlight of my trip home was when we were walking up the hill to the main street and the water was literally forcefully rushing down, making a knee-high puddle at the bottom. There were people in a single file line on either side of the mud river, maneuvering around the shops that line the hill. Then, I could not believe my eyes, all of a sudden a man (one man) hauling a cart (one that they use to cart around water jugs, corn or pineapples) full of PEOPLE comes barreling down the middle of the water-fall like stream! There were at least 8 people in the cart that this man was carrying. Dennis told us that he will make a lot of money doing that. Supposidly, if he works for a half an hour he will make about 500 shillings (roughly only about $7.50). Work is work and you do what you have to do to make money. It was crazy!
So, there you have it…an insight into the mind and heart of Shayla…like I have said before, it is a scary place but it is a place that I long to be constantly changed and transparent in. It is my prayer that at the end of the day God will receive all the praise and honor! Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope your heart has been challenged as mine is every day!
Here is a PHOTO (I finally got it to just takes patience!) of Elf, Dennis and I after we returned home! It is an awful photo but definitely encapsulates the day!