Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Promised Pictures!

Just wanted to let you all know that my dear friend Elf has taken it upon herself to set up her own blog by which she is taking advantage of the fast internet in Australia and posting a ton of pictures of our time in Kenya! I am so thankful that she so brilliantly thought of this. So, for those of you interested in seeing pics, just visit her blog. She said she will do her best to fill y'all in on some of the things we have done here. It is: Let me know if i have somehow given the wrong address...

Love you all!

Badai (later)


Daddio said...

thanks, shera, i'm checking it out this am..i'll let you know how it is...loe you, daddio

SLR said...

YAY For PIctures!!! We are so glad for the update. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Shayla-Boo! We love you!!!

Daddio said...

they're great!!! happy thanksgiving day!!! love you and miss you!!!!

Melissa Berg said...

Hey, Elf got more on there. Now we just need to work on getting video on. Rrright? rrright?

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