I wanted to give you all an update on what has been going on the past couple of weeks. Mainly, I wanted to share with you the news of my assignment change. It is actually a pretty amazing how the Lord has been working it out. I had been praying about having a roomate while I am In Kenya for a while now. I really felt like this was something I didn't want to do completely alone. Now, don't get me wrong, I know God is with me always and I was willing to be the only short-termer in this assignment, He just knows how much I longed to have a fellow short-termer to process with, etc. Well, to make this already long story short, the people from the headquarters in New York emailed me asking me if I would be willing to switch my assignment because there was a roomate possibility!! I was so excited!!! So, it looks like I will still be in Nairobi, Kenya but I will be ministering in an area called Kibera Slums. I am not sure at all what the specifics of my assignment will be or when I will be leaving but I know that my roomate is from Australia and is a nurse. She will be teaching clinics in the slums.
So, if you guys think of me, please pray for continued guidance in the Lord's place for me. I am thrilled becuase I know He is in complete and utter control and will put me where He knows I need to be! I am so thankful for His provision in a roomate!
I will keep you all up to date as I hope to stay up to date with y'all!
As I wait, I am trying to be very intentional about the time I am spending with my friends and family! A couple of weekends ago my great friend Rachel and I took a roadtrip up to Seattle to see my sister and we had an absolute blast! Here are a couple of our "Diva" pictures! I thank God daily for the gifts He has given to me in you all!! Thanks for the comments, too, they are always fun to get!

diva, smiva....where's all the good (i should say GREAT) looking men in the fam????? it all starts at the patriarch, of course....
Wow, those are some good lookin' ladies! Can you believe one is the mother of two, one is a newlywed, and one is a missionary? :)
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