Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Chicago and a Surprise!

I was able to go to Chicago for about five days this past week. My main reason for going was to participate in the commencement cermony for graduation from Moody. I never thought I would graduate college, so being able to be apart of commencement was a huge testimony of God's grace in my life. Completing something like Moody was and is a huge accomplishment to the glory of God!

While I was in Chicago I was able to see a ton of great friends! To be honest, graduation to me was just an excuse to go to Chicago and have some final visits with dear friends before I go to Africa. Here are some pictures of some of those people whom I was able to spend time; including my little sister (from the Big Bro/Big Sis Program) Shevon and her family. It had been at least 2 and a half years since I had seen them! It was fabulous!

While getting to see all my friends and family who came out for my cousins' and my graduation (three of us "Deckers" graduated from Moody this year), I would have to say that by far the highlight of my trip was when my Dad flew out and surprised me for graduation! This might not sound like a big deal to some of you but I must tell you, the man has not flown in 15 years!! It was such a special treat for him to love me enough to show it in this way. And, Dad, if you are reading this, I hope you know how special your short 36 hour stay in Chicago was to me! Thank You!!

Here are some pics of us being tourists for a day!


Fong said...

I'm not gonna lie, we all look amazing in all those pictures...

Fong said...

What is your e-mail address?

SLR said...

It was so good to see you! And I am gonna have to agree with Jeremy... we do look amazing :) Love ya!

Daddio said...

I had a wonderful Bob Hope sang....."thanks for the memories".......

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