Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Next Adventure

Updating my Blog has not been far from my mind the past, um, 5! But, I was reminded and re-motivated when I learned that there are still some of you (Sarah:)) that still check and read this. I'm gald to log on again though because I really have not been doing a whole lot of writing at all lately, and I am finding myself really missing it.

So, without further update.

I find myself pausing at the word. "Update." I'm not sure where to start or even if there is anything to tell. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have learned a lot in the past 5 months...and if I am honest some of the time felt stagnate even in the realm of learning. As far as things I am 'doing' it is pretty much the same; working for my parents at the coffee shop, loving living in my little studio apartment, meeting new friends and getting to know old ones, and co-leading a Bible study for a group of 6 6th grade girls ( I think that's a new one!).

The question that seems to a popular one lately, from people and from myself, is, "What is your next adventure?" Looking back on my life, I have noticed it became the trend for me to go on 'adventures.' I loved it. I thrived on it. I longed for it if I was in one place for too long...I guess you could say, I was even a little addicted to it...The rush, the newness, the excitment that came from the unknown even if that unknown was scary. I have been back in the States for just shy of one year. One year in one place is the typical time I start to find myself getting ansy. I find myself online looking into any and everything that will 'get me out of here.' 'I need to get out of something different,' i find myself thinking. I would wrestle with feeling guilty because I wanted to leave so badly. How could I want to leave a place that is full of people who love and support me, where I have an amazing job, and just about the most beautiful geographical location you can imagine?? I struggled reconciling my polar opposite desires and didn't know what to do. I feel as though God is helping me to get a better grasp on who I am and what I need to do in light of that. I know God has created me with the desires I have...desire for change, desire to learn, desire to grow, desire to see more of the world, and a desire to be a valued and valuable peice in this world. Recognizing the fact that I need change and realizinng that that is not a bad thing was ground breaking for me. Instead of feeling guilty for it, i GET to embrace it! This is how I am wired and I just need His help to show me how to channel it. For example, I am here in Bend, OR for a reason. I am in the job I am supposed to be in, I am in realtionship with the people I am around for a reason and if God wanted me somewhere else geographically I have to trust that I would be there...not here. But, I am here. Now, in light of this new understanding of who I am, I have options. Instead of feeling like I have to go do another short term trip somewhere just for adventure's sake (though I believe I will travel more), I can embrace change right where I am at! I can take a guitar class, I can buy some climbing shoes and start climbing again (like i did), or I can take a fun class that can stretch me and challenge me and fulfill that need for change in my life. Those are things God has made available for me...and I just need to go after it. I cannot sit around being sad that I am not 'going anywhere' or that i am not 'having an adventure' when the adventure is right at my finger partake in the LIFE that God has given that's an ADVENTURE!

I hope you are all doing great and that you too will take hold of that which God has set before you...He will take you on the adventure of lifetime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, "the adventure is right at my finger tips" no matter where we are.

Keep posting Shayla, you have a great gift and I always find inspiration when reading your entries.


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