Friday, February 22, 2008

This One's For You!

This Blog entry is dedicated to my father, who, tirelessly checks my Blog three times a day to see if i have updated it. I know i have not been the best about keeping it up-to-date and for that, dad, i apologize! However, i did want to tell you, dad, how much i appreciate who you are in my life. You have been sooo supportive of my time in Kenya (and throughout my life). I am so thankful that you care about what is going on in my life here and I hope you know how much that means to me. It was so great visiting with you last night and I look forward to countless hours of us catching up face to face...I love you, daddio, and I am so grateful for you!

All my love,


Daddio said...

how does one put tears running down a cheek on a blog response? we're all looking anxiously forward to see you soon.

loe you.....daddio

Myka said...

WOW!!! that is so sweet! we all miss you! Love always micah

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