Sunday, April 22, 2007


I hope you all enjoy my blog! This is a first for me, so I will be posting as I am learning. I will be updating this site with anything from events in my life to random, fun information that you can share with me as I prepare for my journey to Kenya! For example, I am beggining to learn Swahili, so I would love for you to join me as I post new words every once in a while! Your first word is the title of this blog, Jambo! It means, "hello." Use it to mix up a conversation this week!


Daddio said...

JAMBO, SHAYLA. glad your doing something to keep in touch with us over here in the good ole us of a. we'll miss you, miss world traveler...don't forget your roots and where you come from, you'll always be missed, especially when the dishes need to be done.


SLR said...

Sijambo shayla! Here is a new word for you, "moja" means one. I hope you know that you are being prayed for lots and lots. This is such a huge thing that you deciding to do; and I for one am jealous :) The ESL book that I was telling you about is called English in Action by Wally Cirafesi. If you know the level of the students it would probably be extremely helpful to have a regular English book to serve as the backbone of your lesson planning. The New Interchange books are really good. Ok all of that to say I love you and I cannot wait to see you in a few weeks!

Unknown said...

Way to go with teaching the coffee shop Swahili! This blog site is super impressive, Shayla, and I'm so excited to be able to keep up with what's going on through this! As always, you are in my prayers and I love you tons...see you FRIDAY!!! I'm sure your practicing for graduation but try not to get too nervous about it :)

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